Friday, February 19, 2010

Why Black History Month ?

February is drawing to a close. It's Black History Month. Why do we have a Black History Month? It's very apparent that every month is Jewish History Month. Maybe because they are better organized and have a lot more to try to explain away. But why are there no French History Month, Chinese History Month, Irish History Month etc, etc, . You get the idea.

Well since this is Black History Month, what have the blacks learned or want to say about things? Have they anything to offer or thump their chests about ? Or is this all about the selling of guilt to any buyers who think so little of themselves that they think they still owe the blacks more than they owe all the rest?

Successful blacks are a plenty. Most of all of blacks have worked into the system. So this special month is about the holdouts who still don't get it or want to game the society for power and profit.

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