Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolution: Insult And Shun Zionists

It's obvious to most people around the world and to some American citizens that U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East favors the Zionists/Israeli interests. So much so, that George Bush could be rightly called the "First Zionist President". This reality harms the U.S. An example is 9/11. In the interest of returning American foreign policy goals to an America- first philosophy, it is now necessry to have an American grassroots movement that is directed at the Zionists in the U.S. to make them feel unwanted and uncomfortable.

To that point, it should be a New Year resolution of concerned individuals to insult and avoid relationships with Zionists of all stripes. They will have to pay a humane price for freely roaming amongst civilized people. If the Zionists claim discrimination because of this philosophical discrimination then just reply, " Listen asshole, you Zionists are 100% of what's wrong with American foreign policy. And this grassroots blowback is initially targeting only 50% of your numbers. So in a very real sense you are benefiting from a postive affirmative action. That's more than you do for anyone else. Listen up and change your ways or we all will take it to the next level"

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Feminists, Free Love, Teenagers & Sexually Transmitted Diseases

According to the recently released report from Centers For Disease Control, " One of every four teenage girls in America has a sexually transmitted disease". The CDC data was collected from more than 800 randomly selected girls. Even girls who were still technically "virgin" are contracting the STD's through oral sex.

Mothers day for this generation will have an asterisk. Such is part of the legacy of the 1960's free love and feminist movement. The high priestesses of feminism Gloria Steinham and the late Betty Friedan and others should be reevaluated with a negative bias. Also, remember former President and father Bill Clinton's protest, " I didn't have sex with that woman". He was parsing "sex"to exclude the oral kind so to "legally" avoid prosecution. He had genital herpes at the time acording to Monica Lewinsky's testimony.

I wonder how many young girls and boys were listening to Bill's and Monica's blow by blow discription of the arguments for and against oral sex? STD's are a reality that have the potential to bring the whole society down. It's time for discrimination and critical thinking by our youngsters and the parents who care. Avoid disesaed individuals and that includes the sloppy thinkers who are critical of discrimination because it's not politically correct.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

San Francisco Supervisors O K $ 1,000,000 Wheelchair Ramp

S.F.'s Board of Supervisors thinks that $ 1,000,000 is a reasonable and a appropriate price for a ramp to be built in their chambers. The ramp is only 10 feet long and is being constructed to enable disabled supervisors access to the elevated President of Supervisors podium.

Why so much money? What about our Department Of Public Works personnel? Surely these overpaid city employees could construct a ramp. The DPW people could still mostly lean on their tools or set in their trucks while the designated worker for that week could still call "Quitin' time" when lunch was ready. And they would still be cheaper.

As for "enabling disabled supervisors ", don't they have too much "enabling" power already? This ramp is the latest example. This ramp is yet another symbolic gesture against discrimination in public or private life. This slanted ramp is the equalizer. It's a contradiction in terms besides being too expensive.

Discrimination should be fostered. Critical thinking should be encouraged. How else will we ALL learn to live within a budget and capabilities?

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Exergames: Poor Parental Substitute For Overweight Or Obese Children

Thirty percent of U.S. kids aged 6-19 are overweight or obese. The main reasons given are poor diet and or lack of exercise. But those reasons take the problem out of context. Parents are supposed to raise children. This includes serving proper foods and guiding kids into healthy physical habits,i.e. EXERCISE. So it would seem that close to 30% of parents have not fulfilled their responsibilities.

Enter "exergames", they pick up where bad or no parental supervision leave off. These hybrid video game and exercise machine are found increasingly in school gyms around the country. The contraption couples a video game with an exercising component to encourage players to vigorously exercise and simultaneously be better able to win the video game. Isn't this pathetic? Why aren't the children doing mandatory physical education work outs? Why not team sports and the challenge of competing? It would be cheaper and a real-world instructor is more helpful. An instructor would also give children experience in taking instruction in a team or greater social atmosphere. This has far greater applications in later life.

Classical history is full of raising children with a strong physical component. Have schools done their job by graduating obese or near-invalidic children? Still parents have the primary responsibility in raising their own children. Maybe parents and their obese offspring should be discriminated against. How about paying higher insurance premiums? It is long past due to stop pretending that people who choose or are chosen for to be overweight should be treated equally with those who WORK at being fit.

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