Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Michelle Obama: Overdosed On Epic Symbolism

Epic times, epic proportions, symbols, revenge, false values are all just too much . Why only today First Lady Michelle Obama, who herself is a first in this storied America turned epic Kabuki Theater, will dedicate a bust of abolitionist Sojourner Truth who was a 19th century slave turned woman activist. Some of the other epic symbols of woman power will be there i.e. Nancy and Hillary etc. .

America can do the guilt pageantry flawlessly. Why can't the U.S. balance the budget? Why can't the U.S. mind its own business in foreign affairs? Why can't we make a car that our people want to drive and can afford? No, we have made a caricature of the principles of democracy  as a nation and now largely live our public lives in the pursuit of symbolic gestures. Schools, government and our legal sysytem to name a few exist it would seem, for the active purpose of making the heretofore slaves of history or slaves of poor intellect much more comfortable than they deserve.

Michelle et al's finger wagging which is full of guilt for all is yet another waste of time and an empty banal gesture. I don't know where in Africa Sojourner Truth's family came from or where Michelle Obama's family hailed from either. But it was their lucky day when their African relatives sold them into slavery and they wound up in the U.S.A. How about it Michelle? Eating termites on a convenient stick in Africa is not like being First Lady? Get off your guilt peddling pedestal.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An Apology For Slavery. Why Now?

Where would we all be without the moral compass of some Jews in Congress? Representative Steve Cohen,D-Tenn.,who became the first white and or semite to represent a 60% plus black district in the city of Memphis, introduced a resolution of apology to the descendants of America's slaves. The Cohen Resolution passed the House yesterday on a voice only vote. It does not mention costly reparations but it does crack the door by "committing the House to rectifying the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African-Americans under slavery and Jim Crow."

What "lingering consequences"? The African slaves were made full citizens with the 19th century Constitutional Amendments 13,14 and 15. Evidently that wasn't enough so President Lyndon Johnson pushed through Congress The Great Society social programs that are still bleeding this country financially to the tune of trillions of dollars. These handouts and affirmative action programs have largely re-enslaved descendants in a more insidious and subtle way.

We in America today owe nothing to those slaves descendants. We threw off the burden of the British monarchy with its claim of "divine right". Why give a similar quasi - super entitlement to a lot of people who should be happy they were brought to America in the first place? Blacks have done well in the U.S.. We may have a black president. They have been great ball handlers in the sports world. So much so that their salaries have attracted white women who want to be their personal ball handlers. America has been too, too generous.

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Friday, July 04, 2008

Robert Mugabe: His Time Is Up

If Africans ever want to stop being targets of slavery and dispel the opinion that their highest and best use is being enslaved then they have to pass a test. Some black man has to kill Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe.

Any black man or woman out there that can do this chore? If not then the U.S. and the other civilized nations don't owe you equality .

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Al Sharpton Linked To The Late Senator Strom Thurmond

Upon learning of his ancestors enslavement to ancestors of the late segregationist Senator Strom Thurmond, Al Sharpton said," ... I might be related to them [ Thurmond's family ]."

What's the fuss? At least Al is in the country legally and is free. Or does he pine away for the oppression and hardships of his native Africa?

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Holocaust, Affirmative Action & Divine Right Of Kings

First there was the divine rights of kings and caesars. After those excesses came power-sharing with parliaments and legislators with a more sustainable governing paradigm. So much so that the British monarchy has become a rubber stamp for England's Parliament.

Then comes the inevitable excesses of demagoguery that markets guilt for perceived past injustices. This includes affirmative action to remedy slavery, reparations to Japanese for internment and the creation of Israel to pay for the Holocaust.

But there is a blowback and resistance by present-day people who resent being dunned for a guilt bill that they didn't run up. So for all who still want something for nothing, the party is coming to an end.

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