Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hey Norman Mailer, What About Genocide In Slow Motion?

Poor Norman Mailer. With his 84th birthday approaching, one would think he would have some wisdom to share with his readers. But his latest book," The Castle In The Forest" is just more shock at Hitler and the Holocaust.

According to reviewers, Mailer's explanation of Hitler is couched in Freudian and devilish, dark forces. This includes incest. I wonder what Mailer thinks about Prime Ministers of Israel? From Ben-Gurion through Olmert, a slow motion genocide against Palestinians has been perpetrated versus Hitler's Blitzkrieg style. Does incest or the devil have anything to do with slow motion genocide?

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bush & Israeli Palestinian Policies Hit New Low

Bush and his Israeli handlers are not satisfied with the pace of the disintegration in Gaza . The constructive genocide by the Israelis and the world-wide economic embargo as enforced by U.S. leadership is not working as quickly as they had planned. So Bush et al have resorted to fomenting a civil war by picking and arming Fatah over the legally elected Hamas political party. Yes, Bush is now arming street fighters as a way to further American foreign policy as per the Zionists approved view.

So what happens when the American-backed Fatah starts to edge out lesser- equipped Hamas partisans? Look for suicide bombers to crop up. How will non-combatant Palestinians know how to stay out of the crossfire? No one wears uniforms.

Bush is leading America to another new low of what's left of U.S. standing in the world. And for what purpose? Israel? It's not worth it.

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Jimmy Carter: Gets No Respect From The New York Times

Today The New York Times' Best Seller list omitted Jimmy Carter's new book, " Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid". Amazon listed the book at #5; Barnes & Noble carried it #10; and the San Francisco Chronicle's Bay Area Best Seller List ( largest market in U.S.) listed the book at #2. What's up at the N.Y.T. ?

Maybe Jimmy stepped over the line. He had the courage to criticize the Israeli policy of constructive genocide against the Palestinians in his latest book. But he knows of what he speaks . He was the president who coaxed, some say bribed, Egypt to sign a peace treaty with Israel in the early '80s. Both countries still receive billions from America to be publically polite to each other. But what has Jimmy done for the Israeli zealots lately? So maybe The New York Times is refusing to acknowledge Carter's best selling book because of spite.

If this is true, then the paper should be more accurately titled The Jew York Times.

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Israel's Apartheid Wall Invites Questions

Is the seperation wall to keep people out or keep people in? Do the Israelis agree with the historical consensus that they need to be segregated or do they segregate the Palestinians ?

Before there were the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and others there were Zionists. Don't confuse the symptons for the cause.

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