Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why Poll Morons?

"Let's take a poll"is the age old semi-scientific standard for determining the validity of most any idea. "Garbage in garbage out"is an age old comment on "scientific and semi-scientific"tests.

A recent" The New York Times/CBS News Poll" found these two results among some of the answers.

QUESTION: Do you approve or disapprove of sending an additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan in the coming months?

ANSWER: 51% Approved; 43% Disapproved; 6% No Opinion.

QUESTION: Do you think sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan will make the U.S. safer from terrorism, less safe, or wil not affect the U.S.'s safety from terrorism?

ANSWER: 39% Safer; 8% Less Safe; 45% Will not Affect; 8% No Opinion.

In short, the results indicate that the majority think the troops should be sent but the majority also concludes that troops will fail.

I thought that the criminals and the morons in Congress were the basic problem. I was wrong. It obviously goes deeper than that.

P.S. Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize simultaneouly with Marines leaving for Afghanistan.

P.P.S. Chaos will follow the human spiecies.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Attention Zionists: Let's Make A Deal

Today The Jew York Times featured the Zionist/Israel lobby's blow by blow take down of would-be President Obama's Middle East intelligence advisor. He was former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Charles W. Freeman, Jr. . Mr. Freeman announced his resignation and blamed the "Israel lobby". And what did the Zionists detest about Freeman? Well he was critical of America's uncritical support of Israeli policies and the huge influence that Israel has in our government which has a negative effect on U.S. security. And when one considers Israel to be largely the tangental problem that threatens world wide peace, then Mr. Freeman should be paid some mind. But the Zionists would have none of it.

They even rolled out Steven J. Rosen a former high ranking AIPAC operative to write a scathing op-ed piece a week ago. Now that's nerve. Zionist Rosen, himself, is now a co-defendant in a long running espionage trial for passing on secret U.S. intelligence about Iran to Israel. Lawrence Franklin the disgraced former DOD official is now serving 13 years for his part in passing the info on to Rosen and AIPAC's Keith Weissman.

It's time to show the conniving Zionists in America the deportation door or better yet show them the "gate". Over the entrance gate at Dachau, Germany concentration camp was a sign that said, " Albeit Macht Frei" or " Freedom Through Work". Well to paraphrase 1960s game show host Monty Hall , "Let's Make A Deal, will it be Gate #1 or Gate # 2 which has a get out of disfavor manuel showing how to live in a polite society ?" .

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Paul Krugman & Nobel Prize : Money For Free

"What goes around comes around".

And so the example set by wasteful governments of spending money foolishly over the years has trickled down into the private sector. Take the recent example of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. They administer the Nobel Prize every year. This year the Nobel Prize for Economics and its $1.4 million cash prize was awarded to Paul Krugman of Princeton University and he is also a N.Y.T. columnist.

Mr.Krugman's acclaimed thesis dealt with the reasons why people like to choose from a diversity of products . And also what determines where a manufacturing plant should be built. Krugman wrote thousands of pages since this 1979 brainstorm was posited by him.

Pardon me Paul, but wouldn't this rhetorical question about a desire for choice be more to the point, " Why does the chicken cross the road ? ". And concerning the optimum location of manufacturing plants, you should just recall what Bonnie and Clyde said why they robbed [went to ] banks. " Because that's where the money is !".

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Sunday, December 30, 2007

William Kristol Columnist At " The Jew York Times"

Look who is replacing defamed Judith Miller at the NYT. It's Bill Kristol the Zionist/Neocon . Bill will write a weekly column pushing the plans of the Israeli fifth and or filth column. He will be more efficient than Miller because while Judy had to wait for material from Cheney/Libby et al, Bill will get it directly from Tel Aviv.

The paper should change it's name to " The Jew York Times". It's more honest.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

NY Times & Sulzberger-Zionist Tribe

And todays NYT article on possible Syrian nuclear capabilities includes, " In Washington and Israel, information about the [ Israeli bombing Syria ] raid has been wrapped in secrecy and restricted to just a handful of officials...".

" Secrecy"? It's on the front page of todays New York Times. So here we go again. The disgraced Judith Miller is gone after being exposed as a conduit for " Scooter" Libby's lies about Iraq's WMD but now we are being told that Syria has /or will have WMD also. Obviously the source of Israeli propaganda at the NYT resides at the highest levels. I.E. Sulzberger-Zionist Tribe.

Israel is not worth the effort of American intervention on it's behalf. Let Sulzberger and his greasy Zionist friends and relatives suit up for war themselves if they are so determined for Israel's help.

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Jimmy Carter: Gets No Respect From The New York Times

Today The New York Times' Best Seller list omitted Jimmy Carter's new book, " Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid". Amazon listed the book at #5; Barnes & Noble carried it #10; and the San Francisco Chronicle's Bay Area Best Seller List ( largest market in U.S.) listed the book at #2. What's up at the N.Y.T. ?

Maybe Jimmy stepped over the line. He had the courage to criticize the Israeli policy of constructive genocide against the Palestinians in his latest book. But he knows of what he speaks . He was the president who coaxed, some say bribed, Egypt to sign a peace treaty with Israel in the early '80s. Both countries still receive billions from America to be publically polite to each other. But what has Jimmy done for the Israeli zealots lately? So maybe The New York Times is refusing to acknowledge Carter's best selling book because of spite.

If this is true, then the paper should be more accurately titled The Jew York Times.

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