Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Deficits Don't Matter?

The spending monkeys in Washington have been spending trillions trying to keep the economy afloat. They have been doing this since the Reagan years. Remember "deficits don't matter". That's partially true. If one is on the receiving side of deficit spending then deficits don't matter. But one who doesn't get the benefits but on the contrary has to payoff the deficits for years to come then deficits do indeed matter.Government employees, politicians, Wall St, banks, special interests foreign and domestic ,military-industrial-complex etc celebrate deficit spending. Most everyone else pays the tab.

Nothing lasts forever. When we do finally go broke it won't make much of a difference to most people unlike the privateers who have been gaming the system.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Non Existing Home Sales Slide

Today the National Association Of Realtors reported their estimate of sales of non-existent homes. The sales were down 5.7% from January level . Actually there was an interesting aspect to the sales figures. Brokers commissions were off by 11.4% which indicated that they were sacrificing commissions to make deals. New non-existing home owners were cashing out of bad stock market investments because they had lost faith in the advice of their stock brokers and because of the Ponzi schemes.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stock Market & Money & Master & Slave

The stock market cries , " More money, I need more money". It writhes like an addict for more liquidity. The former masters of the printing press now become the slaves to the wanton consumer philosophy. The masters which include the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government are slaves themselves to the commercial greed of Wall Street and the wasteful ways of many of the electorate so they dutifully pass out more "free from responsibility" placebos. Get a life jerks.

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"Hello Manhattan, Israel Calling"

Approximaely 50% of Wall Street investment banking management is Jewish. That doesn't make them necessarily Zionist but probably most think there should be a Jewish homeland which is the definition of a Zionist. Israel enjoys a unique U.S. tax code advantage. Donations to the Jewish state by American tax payers is deductable against U.S. income. The donations sent to Israel by these Wall Street operators neatly allows them to have it both ways.

Israel is an odd country. It's founding and nurturing depends on money and political influence from worldwide Jewry. If that is ever shut off or diminished ,Israel like some out of this world space station ,would suffer or cease to exist. And so the recent cataclysmic events on Wall Street and financial centers around the world threaten Israel's mother's milk so to speak i.e. money. The financial melt down may be a humane way to finally get Israel to pursue peace or disappear. Either way would be an improvement.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Oil Profiteers: Goldman Sachs Or Exxon Mobil ?

The debate rages over $140 oil. Is it supply/demand and an oil industry windfall or Wall Street manipulation--- or both ? At least motorists can get a tank of gas from Exxon. What do motorists get from suspected oil futures manipulators like Goldman Sachs?

In the past 12 months Exxon Mobil had gross profit of $172 billion. It's net was $42 billion. The average wage of its 82,000 employees was $12,000 per year. By comparison in the past 12 months Goldman Sachs had gross profit of $88 billion. It's net after salaries and bonuses was $10 billion. The average wage of it's 26,000 employees was a staggering $622,000 per year.

Since 2000, Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street brokers have successfuly lobbied for a liberalization of oil futures regulation . Goldman has consistently wrote investment advisories predicting dramatically higher oil prices while simultaneously building large proprietary long postions. At the same time Goldman and others created large pools of pension funds and investors to buy oil futures for their respective portfolios and thus take advantage of the liberating new regulations on oil futures. The net result is higher oil prices without a shortage as the reason. And a large part of the revenue from increase in prices going to the criminals at Goldman and their investment pool accomplices.

Interestingly present Secretary of Treasury and former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson, said," The rise in oil futures is strictly [because] supply/demand." He is also against re-regulating the certain parts of oil futures trading that he had lobbied to change some years back while at Goldman!

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