Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Deficits Don't Matter?

The spending monkeys in Washington have been spending trillions trying to keep the economy afloat. They have been doing this since the Reagan years. Remember "deficits don't matter". That's partially true. If one is on the receiving side of deficit spending then deficits don't matter. But one who doesn't get the benefits but on the contrary has to payoff the deficits for years to come then deficits do indeed matter.Government employees, politicians, Wall St, banks, special interests foreign and domestic ,military-industrial-complex etc celebrate deficit spending. Most everyone else pays the tab.

Nothing lasts forever. When we do finally go broke it won't make much of a difference to most people unlike the privateers who have been gaming the system.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Israel Or Iran ?

Why does America choose Israel over Iran?

While most of us were sleeping, AIPAC was lobbying our executive and legislative branches of government. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is the powerful Israel " uber alles" lobbying group that occupies our government. It's similar to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands but without the military hardware to keep the Palestinians in line. Israel's occupation of our Congress requires only contributions to our members of government. Ironically some of that money is laundered from the $ 2.5 billion that the U.S. gives to Israel each year.

AIPAC'S influence stopped a key provision that was to be added to the $ 100 billion appropriation's bill for Bush's double-down bet in the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. The provision would have required the president to notify and get permission from Congress about any military action against Iran. Sounds reasonable. But AIPAC said "no". So America's security is put in second postion behind Israel's security.That shift is an effective act of treason by the supporting members of Congress.

Israel is not worth the respect that America bestows. Israel's criminal behavior with respect to the Palestinians threatens world peace.In contrast Iran has much more to offer American interests in the region. Iran has a legitimate rich historical culture, oil, markets for our products and could be a source of bringing stability in that region.

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