Wednesday, June 27, 2007

iPhone: First General Message

What good is an iPhone without a message?

Well to paraphrase Paddy Chayefsky's character Howard Beale in the 1976 movie "Network", Howard says," I want you all to reach for your iPhone and contact the telephone number or e-mail address on your screen and say ''' Fuck you Bush, Cheney and Congress, we will only have war by a majority vote in a NATIONAL REFERENDUM'''.

Renting some kind of international phone before going on a world trip can be a good idea since your normal phone won't work in as many places as a world phone would. Before you invest money into an international cell phone you may want to go online and research satellite phone rental to know what kind of phone would work best for you.

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

" Right Stuff Quiz " At The Department Of Defense

The Freedom of Information Act enabled the publication of this " Right Stuff Quiz " given to prospective D.O.D. new hires. It goes like this:

" You are watching the kick-off of the Super Bowl. Suddenly you smell smoke coming from another room in your home. Choose the best response to demonstrate your ability to cope with threats".

a) continue to watch the game
b) alert your family
c) run out of your house
d) call the fire department
e) watch only the kick return and then go to your fireproof study/bunker to complete your design on a new nuclear weapon.

The Bush Administration on Friday announced the winner of the new design of a new class of nuclear weapons. The first such weapon in 20 years. The State Department alerted Russia and China immediately " Not to Worry."

America doesn't need a new arms race. Ergo the power to wage war should be only in the hands of the people voting in the majority in a NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON WAR. Then the warmongers will have to diversify out of their core business and there will be less pressure for war in the future.

P.S. The new hires at the D.O.D. choose "e" in the quiz.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Who Has The Power To Wage War ?

The Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia is asking the question, " Who has the power to wage war ?". The question is directed to 12 former government officials and scholars. The group includes, James Baker III, Warren Christopher, Lee Hamilton, Edwin Meese and Brent Scowcroft. Is it the executive or the legislative branch or a combination of both ? The question needs a long overdue answwer when the fiascos of Viet Nam, Iraq and maybe Iran are considered.

The answer to the question, both philosophically and practically speaking, point to having the power reside with a majority of people. They will make the sacrifice and by extension have the legitimate authority to wage war. Only when a majority of most everyone is on board for war will the mandate be compelling and the chances of winning the war more likely. This mechanism for war requires the establishment of a NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON WAR.

War is too costly to be controlled by politicians and lobbyists.

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