Friday, May 16, 2008

Mayor Newsom Spends Too Much Time On Wrong Holes

Yesterday Mayor Gavin Newsom squeakly proclaimed from his pencil-neck, " My god, this [same-sex marriage court ruling] is now bigger than San Francisco". The crowd gushed. And so Newsless let slip his personal joy of being freed from the pedestrian jobs of a local mayor. He was back on the national stage. He was "bigger than General Motors".

Hey Newsless, all politics are local. Sure there are many homosexuals in San Francisco. But I wonder how many would rather trade in marriage possibilities for a Golden Gate Park that was not a private reserve for bums? How about fixing holes in the streets instead of right of way for cannubial sodomy or cunnilingus? How about plugging holes in the budget and fixing gaps in sound city business regulations so heterosexuals and homosexuals alike can help plan for a secure future?

Newsless wants to leave this to the next administration. And so it will be left for others to clean up. Just like the spread of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases will be left to mother nature inspite of Newsless' stamping his foot about discrimination.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Microsoft's Bill Gates , African Aid & The Dependency Problem

Ask Bill Gates how best to help Africa with it's chronic malnutrirtion and sexually transmitted disease problem and he will tell you about the "Red Campaign". He pushed that campaign at Davos, Switzerland the other day. Simply the participating companies in the campaign which also includes, Apple, American Express, Dell and others donate a portion of the sales price of " Red Campaign" logo products to the Global Fund which targets Africa's social maladies.

Since the 1960's aid to Africa from outside sources is now totaled well over $700 billion. Yet, Africa's woes have only grown and Africans have become ever more dependent on outside aid. Of course Bill knows and relies on dependency from customers who make a habit of buying Microsoft's products to solve their personal computing needs. But aiding the breeding of dependent generations of Africans indefinietly is a blueprint for disaster.

Bill must learn that people who are dependent on Microsoft's computing ware at least know what question to ask of the software. It seems that many Africans still don't even wonder or ask how to stop overpopulation or the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

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