Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Possibly Inconvenient Question For Bill & Melinda Gates

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has released figures boasting that their disease prevention measures in Africa have saved approximately 7 million lives so far. Sounds like good news. But now that the lives have been saved, now come other questions. I.E. What have the saved lives been saved for?What are their prospects? How will they eat? How will they work? How will they be shelterd? What will we do with their children who Bill and Melinda will presumbably save also?

Have Bill and Melinda thought through the whole process of creation which includes maintenance and death?I suspect no.

"Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread".

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Madonna & Missed Opportunity At Live Earth

Why was there no talk about human overpopulation at the Live Earth venues? The rock stars and politicos only addressed global warming. But global warming is only an effect of the problem. The cause of global warming,rampant extinctions and other scourages is the consumer habits of the overpopulated human species. Hundreds of millions of people with obviously nothing better to do were listening. These are some of the ones who should have less children. What a missed opportunity.

Madonna should have been the keynote speaker about human overpopulation. She could have spoken like this, "You all know me. I have had sex with most all kinds of people. Here's a partial list: NBA numbskulls, Puerto Rican greasers, trembling lilly-white choir boys, boisterous bisexuals, lesbian groupies etc. But I only have 2 children. Are you listening Africa and Asia? No more of 3-10 children per breeding female. Hey, you would be able to buy and listen to my records with the extra money and time."

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Monday, March 05, 2007

"Vanity Fair", Graydon Carter, Bono & Africa.

The urbane, effete meets the naive, gritty. The topic is the lost peoples of Africa.

Graydon Carter, the polished, cynical editor of "Vanity Fair" will yield his duties onetime to Bono. Bono is the crusading rock star who has recently discovered the woes of Africa. He will do a guest editing project highlighting those problems and his solutions in an upcoming edition of the magazine.

It appears that Mr. Carter would like to finesse this project to someone who eagerly embraces the challenge. Also, it's a cinch that Carter's staff would not get the circulation boost that Bono might give. I believe that both Carter and Bono mean well. But as the saying goes, " The road to perdition is paved with good intentions".

Simply, Bono's answer to Africa's problem is more of the same, I.E. an industrialization of Africa and massive amounts of aid that only serve to addict to dependancy people who need something else. Africa is different. It's peoples have in large part rejected the western civilization's economic model. The aid that has been indiscriminately despensed to African nations this past 40 years ( amounts to app. $600 billion in todays dollars) has been gobbled up or misused by corrupt governments. The diseases that ravage the African continent have only gotten worse. Of these scourges, malnutrition is the biggest killer. Overpopulation in dry-land ecosystems is the reason.

Africa's salvation lies in an African model not a western civilization model. Africa should be conserved and it's peoples should be the stewards. In this pursuit the west could help by promoting conservation, family planning and tourism

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Africa: Tourists Like It Natural

Increasing scientific evidence points to a significant migration out of Africa about 50,000 years ago. They were homo sapiens. The parts of the earth that they populated were never the same. Species of flora and fauna became extinct because of man's ability with tools. The high-technology that followed made the original relationship of man and his earth almost unrecognizable. Add to that, laws, politics, religion and other human alchemical social schemes and we end up with a neurotic primate euphemistically described as modern man. We have too much civilization.

According to Madrid-based World Tourism Organization, Africa led all other nations in 2006 in attracting tourists. African tourism jumped 8.1%. In contrast, the U.S. saw a 2% increase in the same period. The reasons that the tourists gave for picking an African destination included primarily the natural geography, wildlife and the pace of life. Many tourists said or paraphrased, " It's like going home".

The New World in many respects has not improved on the original natural landscape and it's wildlife. Africa should mostly be left alone. It's highest and best use is to be a conserved natural place that is witness to what was.

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