Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Madonna & Missed Opportunity At Live Earth

Why was there no talk about human overpopulation at the Live Earth venues? The rock stars and politicos only addressed global warming. But global warming is only an effect of the problem. The cause of global warming,rampant extinctions and other scourages is the consumer habits of the overpopulated human species. Hundreds of millions of people with obviously nothing better to do were listening. These are some of the ones who should have less children. What a missed opportunity.

Madonna should have been the keynote speaker about human overpopulation. She could have spoken like this, "You all know me. I have had sex with most all kinds of people. Here's a partial list: NBA numbskulls, Puerto Rican greasers, trembling lilly-white choir boys, boisterous bisexuals, lesbian groupies etc. But I only have 2 children. Are you listening Africa and Asia? No more of 3-10 children per breeding female. Hey, you would be able to buy and listen to my records with the extra money and time."

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