Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama's Inner Circle : Two Too Many Zionists

" You are known by the company you keep".

President- elect Barack Obama's former pastor Jerimiah Wright didn't like the Zionist Jews or Israel. Yet Obama was a member of Wright's congregation for many, many years. Now Obama has chosen a prominent Zionist Jew, Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel to be his Chief of Staff. Emanuel also holds an Israeli citizenship. The pivotol postion handed to Emanuel stems from AIPAC and other Zionist influence. Emanuel is the gatekeeper for presidential appointment scheduling and is privy to policy discussions. It doesn't take much imagination to figure how a conniving Zionist can use that postion to further Israel's ability to shape Washington directives in the Middle East. And just in case Emanuel misses something, Obama has brought another Zionist on board. Dennis Ross will be Obama's senior advisor on the Mideast. Woe is us.

Hey Barack ," Who are you?". First you listened to Pastor Wright's anti-Israeli fiery talks and now you are hanging out with line-bred Zionist Jews. Could you be a very smooth con man? Say it ain't so.

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Thomas L. Friedman: Condescending Israel-First Columnist

"The New York Times" columnist Thomas L. Friedman was at his best today. When he pushes Israel's interests over American interests, that is when his writing comes easiest. Todays " Many Plans, No News" was classic Friedman. He relies on no memory or a short memory for his gentile readers. And there is always his continued Jewish regular readers who largely support Israel.

Today Tom was bemoaning the Bush Administration's abandonment of the 1997 " Clinton plan" as basis for an Israeli/Palestinian peace plan. First of all, Bill Clinton never had an original idea about anything. The "plan" was largely composed by his Middle East negotiator Dennis Ross who might pass for an Israeli operative. The "plan" provisions included these Palestinian non-starters: the new Palestinian state was largely not connected, a non-contiguous gerrymander of a partial historic Palestine; the " right of return" to Palestinian refugees was limited ; illegal Israeli settlements around Tel Aviv and Jerusalem were to remain in place; the " shared capitol of Jerusalem" was effectively denied because of the illegal settlements that would be allowed to stay. What's more, Ariel Sharon vowed that if he were elected he would not honor the " Clinton plan". Sharon was elected in 2001 and succeeded by an equally radical right-wing Ehud Olmert.

Mr. Friedman shows a disrespect and low esteem for the readers of the country that he calls home. I only read him to find out by deductive analysis what Israel would have America believe.

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