Sunday, March 29, 2009

Questions About North Korea & Condi Rice

Defense Secretary Robert Gates was on Fox News Sunday. He said, "The U.S. can do nothing about a North Korea rocket [launch] even though it's a step toward developing an intercontinental ballistic missle that could carry a nuclear warhead". Gee Bob why is this part of the "Axis of Evil"given a pass ? The other parts ,Iraq and Iran, have been invaded, sanctioned and threatened. And they do not have a nuclear weapon as N. Korea does. Could it be that N.Korea was included in the"axis" trio as a red herring? Looks like the U.S. values Israeli security over Japan and South Korea security. As long as those AIPAC checks flow to Congress and the executive branch Israel is safe. But nothing lasts forever. Bye bye Israel.

What ever happened to Condi Rice? Has she voluntarily resegregated herself into a more appropriate non high- profile society? Obama doesn't want a photo-op either. She's too retro in more ways than one.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Attention Zionists: Let's Make A Deal

Today The Jew York Times featured the Zionist/Israel lobby's blow by blow take down of would-be President Obama's Middle East intelligence advisor. He was former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Charles W. Freeman, Jr. . Mr. Freeman announced his resignation and blamed the "Israel lobby". And what did the Zionists detest about Freeman? Well he was critical of America's uncritical support of Israeli policies and the huge influence that Israel has in our government which has a negative effect on U.S. security. And when one considers Israel to be largely the tangental problem that threatens world wide peace, then Mr. Freeman should be paid some mind. But the Zionists would have none of it.

They even rolled out Steven J. Rosen a former high ranking AIPAC operative to write a scathing op-ed piece a week ago. Now that's nerve. Zionist Rosen, himself, is now a co-defendant in a long running espionage trial for passing on secret U.S. intelligence about Iran to Israel. Lawrence Franklin the disgraced former DOD official is now serving 13 years for his part in passing the info on to Rosen and AIPAC's Keith Weissman.

It's time to show the conniving Zionists in America the deportation door or better yet show them the "gate". Over the entrance gate at Dachau, Germany concentration camp was a sign that said, " Albeit Macht Frei" or " Freedom Through Work". Well to paraphrase 1960s game show host Monty Hall , "Let's Make A Deal, will it be Gate #1 or Gate # 2 which has a get out of disfavor manuel showing how to live in a polite society ?" .

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dianne Feinstein: Bad Symbol For Obama Presidency

The estimates of the worldwide viewing audience for Barack Obama's inaguration range to 2 billion. And who's face will all those people see first? It will be the face of Senator Dianne Feinstein ,the senior senator of the eternal Zionists in our senate. It's no accident that the symbolism of a Zionist "Calling to Order" and giving a "welcoming speech" went to AIPAC/Israel poster girl. Israel and AIPAC want the world to know that Obama's administration will be in the embrace of these bigots.

The acrid smell of phosphorus vapors can still be smelled in Gaza after the deaths of app. 1300 Palestinian deaths and app. 8000 wounded and the caricature of a war torn urban scene delivered by our "ally"Israel. Yet Feinstein is the first face of America that the world will view.
Feinstein's remarks will be unremarkable. She's not charismatic nor engaging. She will be seen for what she is-the incarnation of AIPAC/Israel flipping the bird to the world and that includes us here at home.

If they ever go after Feinstein, I won't hide her.

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama's Inner Circle : Two Too Many Zionists

" You are known by the company you keep".

President- elect Barack Obama's former pastor Jerimiah Wright didn't like the Zionist Jews or Israel. Yet Obama was a member of Wright's congregation for many, many years. Now Obama has chosen a prominent Zionist Jew, Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel to be his Chief of Staff. Emanuel also holds an Israeli citizenship. The pivotol postion handed to Emanuel stems from AIPAC and other Zionist influence. Emanuel is the gatekeeper for presidential appointment scheduling and is privy to policy discussions. It doesn't take much imagination to figure how a conniving Zionist can use that postion to further Israel's ability to shape Washington directives in the Middle East. And just in case Emanuel misses something, Obama has brought another Zionist on board. Dennis Ross will be Obama's senior advisor on the Mideast. Woe is us.

Hey Barack ," Who are you?". First you listened to Pastor Wright's anti-Israeli fiery talks and now you are hanging out with line-bred Zionist Jews. Could you be a very smooth con man? Say it ain't so.

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008


"Hurry, hurry, hurry CIRCUS AIPAC is in town". The American Israel Public Affairs Committee's greatest lobbyists show on earth is now featuring special demand performance acts. Come see presidential hopefuls, John "Shakey' McCain and Barack "Plural Man" Obama perform for 4 foot something Zionists and their shorter wives. Also appearing will be Secretary of State "Kind O' Ninny" Rice and white woman Speaker Nancy " Scarf Lady" Pelosi along with Senate Majority Leader Harry " Pathetic Mumbles" Reid. Other surprise guests could be added.

Watch how featured performers pledge America's assets and young lives for the well being of the ghetto Israel which is on stolen Palestinian land. Hey come visit Israel also. It features the largest open-air prison on the planet. Approximately 1.5 million Palestinians are subject to a slow motion genocide every day. Why? Zionists swear by their mothers instructions, " Don't buy or own anything that eats". In other words "cut your losses".

Oh the irony of it all. Two thousand years ago the Romans watched Zionists get chomped on by lions in the Coliseum now the Zionists watch representatives of the last empire do tricks for chump change. Enough already. Time for a swing back to more understandable times. Round up U.S. reps in Congress that sold out to AIPAC and show them the exits. Hey round up AIPAC also and ship them to Israel

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Supporters & Enemies Of Jews Predict Fewer Number

Recently Pastor John Hagee of Christians United For Israel said, " Adolf Hitler had been fulfilling God's will by hastening the return of Jews to Israel according to Biblical prophecy". Reverend Hagee speaks for the most powerful evangelical lobby that together with AIPAC are the core support for Israel in Washington.

So Hitler was an instrument of God? Wait there's more. According to the Book Of Revelations (Apocalypse) in the Bible, when the Jews are back in Israel then and only then will the second coming of Christ begin. This Messianic return has dire implications for many Jews. As per the apocalyptic prophecy, Jews will be given a second chance to accept Christ. The prophecy describes most all Jews refusing to acknowlede Christ for a second time and consequently all Jews save 180,000 will be slaughtered by God's angels.

So Hagee and his horde of evangelicals offer only temporary support of the Jews until they are given their final solution by God. And in a small contrast the real-time enemies of the Jews want them dead now. And the U.S. is smack dab in the middle of the Jews and their enemies only because of the constant flow of bribes/campaign contributions from CUFI and AIPAC. In other words the U.S. is getting paid to protect the Jewish state.

Bush was recently in Israel and gave a speach in the Knesset. He refered to the Jews as the " chosen people". Chosen for what and when?

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Breaking News: Hillary Clinton Mulls Israeli Offer

After Hillary's 10 point Pennsylvania win, she scooped $3,000,000 in campaign contributions mostly from AIPAC. The rumor is it's partial thanks for the "obliteration of Iran" comment but also predictably in Zionist "what's next" greed, AIPAC proposes that if she's elected one of her first executive orders will be the selling of the "air rights" over the White House. The Zionists want to build a platform where an alternate meeting place for Israel's Knesset can meet. It's understood that fifth/filth columnist media mogul Mort Zuckerman will handle the details and the price to be ultimately paid. Both Hillary and Mort agree that the price will be low because the U.S. cannot afford it since all Israeli state debts are ultimately forgiven anyway.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Eliot Spitzer & Alan Dershowitz Connected To Israel & AIPAC ?

What laws apply to a bar mitzvahed Jew? The dictionary says a bar mitzvahed male is a "son of divine law". So since Jews are the self proclaimed "chosen people" their circular logic leads some delusional Jews to think that only laws they choose to obey are applicable . That certainly is a lot less laws that gentiles or Palestinians obey.

Hello Alan Dershowitz. The little kike was op-eding in the "chosen" Wall Street Journal today. He's bemoaning the fate of fellow bar mitzvahed, ex governor of New York Eliot Spitzer. The article was titled " The Entrapment Of Eliot".

Little Al thinks that " moving money around" in a money laundering fashion is OK when the object is to keep information away from Spitzer's wife. The FEDS should just get lost. After all Spitzer is not a front for a terrorist organization. But we only have Little Al's opinion that Spitzer was trying to keep the money movements away from his wife's knowledge. As it turns out ,the procurer of the Emperors VIP Club (prostitution brothel) holds an Israeli passport!

Now some of us think that Israel is a terrorist nation . And AIPAC is one of it's tentacles that has a financial grip on the testicles and vulva of many members of our Congress. So if a bar mitzvahed Jew is moving money around in a criminal fashion then the FEDS should follow the money. They may find that Israel/AIPAC is connected. It's for sure that AIPAC contributed to Spitzers campaign fund.

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Saturday, December 01, 2007

United States Is Israel's Stooge

Yesterday the U.S. pulled its draft of an U.N. Security Council resolution endorsing and seeking others to support and endorse the Annapolis peaces talks between the Israelis and Palestinians. Why was it pulled? First the Israelis weren't consulted and when they found out ,they objected to giving the U. N. a hand in the the process albeit a symbolic one.

Why do the Israelis hate the U.N.? Wasn't the crime of the partition of historic Palestine and the creation of Israel commited with the U.N.'s bogus authority? Well there have been many, many other resolutuions from the U.N. in subsequent years condemning Israel's illegal occupation and other atrocites. And as history has shown, when one deals with radical jews and zionists, the question is asked by them, " What have you done for us lately?"

And why should the U.S. listen to this crummy, rogue state? Well its because AIPAC and other pro-Israel organizations bribe our elected reps in Congress to never see the damage that Israel does. Ironically some of the money that the pro-Israel lobbyists use started as foreign aid money voted for Israel by these same members of Congress!

It's no mystery why the Zionists in recorded history have been the target of enslavement, expulsions or worse.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

George Soros & AIPAC: What's He Thinking ?

" When they raid the brothel, they take all the girls".

And so the fate of Jews in Nazi Germany was sealed because they were merely Jewish. George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire, experienced that horror in his native country. That backround experience seems to come through in his recent article in the " New York Review Of Books". In the article, he urges the American government to pressure Israel to recognize and deal with the Palestinian's new " unity government". He notes that the main obstacle to that diplomatic step is the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Maybe Mr. Soros fears that the growing anti-Israel attitude around the world will spill over into an indiscriminate anti-Jewish feelings and actions here in America.

But Mr. Soros is up against the premier poster character of excessive foreign lobbying influence in American politics- AIPAC. This lobby has spent years and hundreds of millions of dollars in a legal underworld of intimidating U.S. sworn representatives. The whip is money and it's media contacts. Simply if a representative doesn't kowtow to the Israeli lobby's political agenda then AIPAC will get another stooge.

This was evident when Barack Obama's spokesman quickly distanced the candidate from the Soros analysis. Also other politicians were gushing in their recital of AIPAC's mantra, " No recognition of the 'unity government' unless the 'unity government' recognizes Israel and it's demands". Well if Israel won't recognize Palestine including the "right of return", shared capitol of Jerusalem and a pullback by Israel from the occupied territories, then why should the Palestinians respond positively?

In the far future, could the Jews in America face a Nazi-type experience? Mr. Soros seems to be asking that question and trying to avoid a replay.

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Hillary Clinton For President ?

America has certainly sunk lower. How else can the rising of Hillary to be the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nominee be explained? Have most people forgot that it was the antics of Bill and Hillary's presidency that gave us the backlash candidate George W. Bush ? We went from Clinton's no moral compass to Bush's fanatical, god-given compass.

Normally it takes a generation or 2 for a society to make the same mistake again. But maybe because of our cluttered, noisy society, we forget sooner. Her quasi-criminal background now is added to being a stooge for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

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Sunday, December 31, 2006

AIPAC And The Conference Of Presidents Of Major Jewish Organizations: The Problems And The Final Solution

The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee and The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations together control over 50 pro-Israel PACs across America. Why is this a problem? It's the reason why America has a lopsided support of Israel that defies logic . Israel has nuclear arms and an arrogant attitude that is bordering on suicidal. The 50 PACs allows the limits of election contributions to be exceeded by a factor of 50. Most of these PACs are purposely, deceptively named to avoid scrutiny. This effectively allows AIPAC and The Conference to contribute more than $500,000 to each of our 535 members of Congress in each election cycle. The math adds up to a staggering $ 250,000,000 that is dangled in front of our spineless politicians.

Also the U.S. gives Israel each year over 3 billion dollars gratis. This giveawy has been going on since Jimmy Carter's Camp David's Accords in the late 1970's. No doubt some of that grant money is laundered in Israel and returned to America for dispersal to Israeli friendly members of Congress.

Israel is a foreign country that is not a contributing ally to American interests in the Middle East. They are a negative . So what can be done? Israel should be regulated as other foreign countries now are. Israeli agents should not be free to roam the halls of Congress like some quasi-51st state lobbying their interests. Israel's lobbyists should be rounded-up and and registered as the foreign influence that they truely are.

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