Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama's Inner Circle : Two Too Many Zionists

" You are known by the company you keep".

President- elect Barack Obama's former pastor Jerimiah Wright didn't like the Zionist Jews or Israel. Yet Obama was a member of Wright's congregation for many, many years. Now Obama has chosen a prominent Zionist Jew, Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel to be his Chief of Staff. Emanuel also holds an Israeli citizenship. The pivotol postion handed to Emanuel stems from AIPAC and other Zionist influence. Emanuel is the gatekeeper for presidential appointment scheduling and is privy to policy discussions. It doesn't take much imagination to figure how a conniving Zionist can use that postion to further Israel's ability to shape Washington directives in the Middle East. And just in case Emanuel misses something, Obama has brought another Zionist on board. Dennis Ross will be Obama's senior advisor on the Mideast. Woe is us.

Hey Barack ," Who are you?". First you listened to Pastor Wright's anti-Israeli fiery talks and now you are hanging out with line-bred Zionist Jews. Could you be a very smooth con man? Say it ain't so.

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Hillary Clinton Story: Asks The Question....

The Hillary Clinton story asks the question, "Can a white- trash, unindicted- crminal get respect from the people she claims to represent?". Apparantly not is the answer.

Last Sunday at the now infamous Trinity United Church of Christ of Reverend Jeremiah Wright an encore Hillary bashing took place. This time a guest Catholic priest and white Michael Pfleger delivered the sermon/harangue.

In part he said, " When Hillary was crying [New Hampshire] and people said it was a put-on. I really don't believe it was a put-on. I really believed that she just always thought ,' This is mine [nomination]. I'm Bill's wife, I'm white and this is mine. Where did he [Barack Obama] come from? I'm white. I'm entitled. There's a black man stealing my show' ".

The congregation went wild with laughter and applause. I could tell it was a mostly all black congregation because I couldn't make out their faces because they don't reflect light. So what was wrong with the priest's rant? We all know the arrogance and greed of the Clintons. They have been trading in main stream white culture for black and other minority votes since their political hatching. But the pundits cried sexism and racism. Why? Pfleger and Wright before him were just giving the congregation what they wanted to hear. Why didn't the pundits condemn the congregation? Because it's not politically correct, that' why.

The pundits had better learn quickly that the era of YouTube has mortally challenged political correctness . It's the reality of people's opinions and actions shown side by side with the presumptuous goals of political correctness.

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