Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dump Congress

According to many economists and the governments own General Accounting Office, by the year 2020,  Social Security, Medicare and interest on the national debt will take up 80% of the projected Federal Budget.

That leaves the Departments ofAgriculture,Commerce,Defense,Education,Energy,Health & Human Services,Homeland Security,Housing & Urban Development,Interior, Labor,State,Transportation,Treasury,Veterans Affairs and Attorney General effectively without money. Philosophically speaking that is not a bad thing. But it still doesn't solve the original problems of Socail Security, Medicare and the National debt.

Both major political parties are playing a game of chicken with the American electorate. As long as they both spend too much the people have no where to turn. That's a mistake to think that way. The French nobility lost their heads and the Brits lost a colony called America because of that cavalier attitude. Repeat after me, "DUMP CONGRESS".

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shut Down Congress

Times up. The grinning and spending monkeys in Washington should empty their pockets call a cab a get out of town before it's too late. The biggest grinner and spender is Obama. The president and Washington have become caricatures of the irresponsible homo frivolous. More and more money being spent on more and more projects in this country and around the world that benefit a very few at the expense of very many. And we have to borrow from all to pay for this nonsense.

The French took care of their royalty with the plunging blade. Wouldn't that be fun?

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