Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shut Down Congress

Times up. The grinning and spending monkeys in Washington should empty their pockets call a cab a get out of town before it's too late. The biggest grinner and spender is Obama. The president and Washington have become caricatures of the irresponsible homo frivolous. More and more money being spent on more and more projects in this country and around the world that benefit a very few at the expense of very many. And we have to borrow from all to pay for this nonsense.

The French took care of their royalty with the plunging blade. Wouldn't that be fun?

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Tom Brokaw : Union Recruiter?

One can pay a news reader millions per year in salary but that doesn't necessarily make the news readers personal advice worth taking.

Tom Brokaw for example wrote an op-ed piece in todays NYT pushing the idea of consolidating New York states 10,500 local governments into one large agency administered at the state level. What could possibly go wrong? How many people in New York would like more central control from Albany? Governor David Paterson for one would like it. And I'll bet the labor union bosses that put Tom up to the op-ed piece are at least one other.

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Friday, November 09, 2007

CEO Severance Pay Package Abuse And Prediction

Ex-Citigroup CEO Charles Prince will walk away with a $100 million severance pay package for his part in the $ 13 billion and counting, subprime mess at the bank. He's the latest example of the non-logical policy of paying big cash awards to failed leadership in the executive suites, which include ousted CEOs at Time-Warner, Home Depot, Merrill Lynch and Freddie Mac.

Will there ever be a return of meritocracy? I predict that if this is the best performance that money can buy then the future winners and survivors will be based on a non-monetary system, E.G. barter system, religious and/or tribal groups. These systems/groups can't afford to lose.

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