Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shut Down Congress

Times up. The grinning and spending monkeys in Washington should empty their pockets call a cab a get out of town before it's too late. The biggest grinner and spender is Obama. The president and Washington have become caricatures of the irresponsible homo frivolous. More and more money being spent on more and more projects in this country and around the world that benefit a very few at the expense of very many. And we have to borrow from all to pay for this nonsense.

The French took care of their royalty with the plunging blade. Wouldn't that be fun?

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Where Are The Indictments For Financial Meltdown?

Will anyone go to jail for the financial misdeeds and meltdown? No. Because the heretofore criminal financial manipulations were made legal by the legislation that Congress passed. Wall Street and the bankers bribed our reps. Congress is largely a criminal enterprise. Don't forget .

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Driver Carries No Money"

A very few delivery trucks still carry the warning, " Driver Carries No Money". Maybe it's because the illegal immigrant criminals can't read or speak English. Or maybe the hoodlums went through the public school system and didn't bother to learn to read. But because there was no money available there were no losses.

Can we learn a lesson that applies to our politicians and their Congress? It's their Congress because they as a group get more out of government than we outside of government do. The latest legal crime that our politicians are facilitating is the Wall Street bailout. Here we have Wall Street jackals making money on the way up and keeping what they made as their broken schemes and maipulations are transferred to the tax payers on the way down.

The lesson is this. First character is fate. And since our politicians start with little or no admirable character traits we are facing certain disappointment. But add the bad character to the oppotunities presented for self advancement by handling and being part of a $ 3 trillion budget process and one can see how we keep digging deeper holes as government gets larger. There is a direct ratio. And so the app. $ 1 trillion bailout will be handled by printing more money. Money represents the collective character of the issuing nation. Our falling dollar signals what our trading partners think of our character.

What's to be done? How about printing this sign on the halls of Congress, " Politician Carries No Money Only Opinions. All Money Matters Are Left To Individuals"?

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Bull Bush Covers Cow Pelosi

To "cover" in the animal world means to copulate. Copulation in the political world is a euphemism for "fucked over". And so President Bush's 29% approval rating tops the 16% approval rating of Congress that is partially represented by Speaker Pelosi. In other words Bull Bush had his way with Cow Pelosi.

Cow Pelosi doesn't have horns, she can't kick or jump over lobbyists. This supposed agent of change has been tipped by the powers that be in Washington. She can roam just so far in the pasture of politics but is controlled by the influence of lobbyist barbed wire. She can't and will not break the fencing that separates the largely illegitimate needs of military -industrial complex from the legitimate needs of a sustainable United States.

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