Monday, December 14, 2009

Et Tu Berlusconi?

Prime Minister of Italy ,Silvio Berlusconi got a broken nose, split lip and broken teeth from a voter in Italy yesterday in the city of Milan. That was Berlusconi's home town. In these days of would be empires e.g. , al Qaida and the United States which are projecting their aspirations among the remains of former empires -Italy's Roman Empire being the most famous- the assault on Berlusconi is worth noting. 

A quick look of Berlusoni's history on Wikipedia involves about a 2-3  foot scroll down of mostly allegations of criminal conduct without convictions. The allegations range from collusion with the Mafia in assorted schemes through corruption and bribery of the police and judges to tax fraud and criminal accounting techniques. His personal moral rap sheet is another matter.

But Berlusconi on a number of occasion has used his postion as head of state to pass laws in Italy's paliament to protect himself from prosecution and conviction. In two or three court battles the proceedings were stopped  because of a statute of limitations law that was passed by his majority in parlaiment while the court was in session.

One can understand the frustration of Berlusconi's assailant. One can hardly understand why there was only one such incident in Berlusoni's long tenure. Anyway, Berlusconi got off a lot easier than former empire dreamers Julius Caesar and Benito Mussolini did. 

All empires dissolve because of corruption. There will always be corruption . But the best way to limit it is to have more power locally so the corruption can be accessed and stopped more quickly and easily. I predict that this physical voter activism towards deseriving unindicted criminal politicians  will gain more popularity. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are on many short lists if opportunity provides an opening.

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bush & Clinton: Nerf Presidents

George W. Bush and Bill Clinton were in Toronto, Canada last night. They were both paid to show up and talk their contrasting political views. Well they showed up. But the expected contrasts didn't. There would have been more animation and interest if either spilled a water glass on stage.

Welcome to Nerf politicians. Two overpaid foam rubber men who would do anything and have to get elected but privately only believe in money and wont sweat an uncontested or ungraded debate. The commentator should have sprung a "winner take all" purse of $300,000 to the winner of the debate as per the audience vote. That will be the day.

Short of that, the audience should have been peppered with a couple of shoe throwers or rag heads with grenades. One can only dream when reality is so boring and decadant.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Caught In An Unreal Reality

Help! It's March 11, 2009 and the usual dump of unreal news that conflicts with how things really are continues unabated.

Example #1: George W. Bush's publicists announced the former president is about to launch a "lucrative speaking tour". Say what? The moron who couldn't speak cogently about anything save trash talk will be paid 6 figures by private assemblies. The real morons are in the audience.

Example #2: President Barack Obama wants to spend more money on education. Never mind that the U.S. has spent more money on education for a longer period of time than any other country in history. In spite of this money dump our students rank in the lowest percentiles ever since the intergration of schools back in the 1960s. How about paying the would be parents of these dunces not to have children and thereby unclog our school system of statistically proven unwanted and untalented children for a fraction of the cost of trying to educate them ?

Example #3: The U.N. has admitted defeat in its latest 10 year plan to discouarge illegal drug trafficking. Yet in the same breath it anounced a new 10 year plan . People have had a word for drugs long before the words United Nations. What's that tell you?

And what will tommorow bring? Never mind. Stick to the truth and sooner or later they will see it your way.

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Barack Obama Has A Loaded Gun

What's the difference between a loaded gun and a one- political- party control of government? Well the loaded gun can kill you. Whereas the single party control ruins you to the point of one wanting to kill themself or kill someone else. And so Obama has a political loaded gun in his hand.

Some of the bullets include wealth redistribution to the point of socialism . Or how about extreme trade protectionism to the point of trade breakdowns on a worldwide basis? What about an expansion of the Depatrment Of Education to finally preclude all new generations from a meaningful classical education? And certainly there are other nasty possibilities when the spending monkeys in congress have over $3 trillion in the budget to spend.

But maybe Obama will be prudent and govern from the center. America needs someone like that. The past 2 presidents included the educated moron Bill Clinton and the plain vanilla moron George W. Bush. We have to do better than that.

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