Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why Poll Morons?

"Let's take a poll"is the age old semi-scientific standard for determining the validity of most any idea. "Garbage in garbage out"is an age old comment on "scientific and semi-scientific"tests.

A recent" The New York Times/CBS News Poll" found these two results among some of the answers.

QUESTION: Do you approve or disapprove of sending an additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan in the coming months?

ANSWER: 51% Approved; 43% Disapproved; 6% No Opinion.

QUESTION: Do you think sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan will make the U.S. safer from terrorism, less safe, or wil not affect the U.S.'s safety from terrorism?

ANSWER: 39% Safer; 8% Less Safe; 45% Will not Affect; 8% No Opinion.

In short, the results indicate that the majority think the troops should be sent but the majority also concludes that troops will fail.

I thought that the criminals and the morons in Congress were the basic problem. I was wrong. It obviously goes deeper than that.

P.S. Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize simultaneouly with Marines leaving for Afghanistan.

P.P.S. Chaos will follow the human spiecies.

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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Maurice Clemons Story

The story of Maurice Clemons is too preposterous to be a book. Clemons could only achieve reality and credibility in everyday normal American life. This is the culture that we want to export to the world? 

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cartoon Culture: Oprah Winfrey & Sarah Palin

What's the score in the American culture war? Well the liberal caricature Oprah Winfrey lost in overtime and over exposure last week. She announced the cancellation of her show in late 2011. It's because her ratings have been cut in half this past 15 years. That hurt her more than someone taking her potato chips and Coke.  Winfrey had a lot to do with the liberal caricature, poster boy,  Obama getting elected.

Significantly Oprah's guest last week was  Sarah Palin. Palin announced a new book and an implied a run for the presidency. Palin is the potser girl and cartoon person for the conservatives. She is going up and Winfrey is going down. If Palin goes all the way up we all better look out below. An air-head discription of her would be generous and less threatening than the truth.

Can't we ever get somebody in between ? Where's the poster person for moderate politics? Only morons think with one half of their brain.  Cartoons and caricature are for the funny papers. They don't belong in office.

P.S. My book is at the editor.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Roland Burris & Al Franken Promise Heath Ledger National Holiday


In what looks like a public relations coup to seat U.S. Senate aspirants Roland Burris from Illinois and Al Franken from Minnesota, both have agreed to introduce legislation for a Heath Ledger National Appreciation Day.

The pre-announcement has lit up Washington phone banks with gleeful calls from morons around the globe for the immediate swearing- in of the 2 politicians.

Heath's legacy writes yet another page.

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Barack Obama Has A Loaded Gun

What's the difference between a loaded gun and a one- political- party control of government? Well the loaded gun can kill you. Whereas the single party control ruins you to the point of one wanting to kill themself or kill someone else. And so Obama has a political loaded gun in his hand.

Some of the bullets include wealth redistribution to the point of socialism . Or how about extreme trade protectionism to the point of trade breakdowns on a worldwide basis? What about an expansion of the Depatrment Of Education to finally preclude all new generations from a meaningful classical education? And certainly there are other nasty possibilities when the spending monkeys in congress have over $3 trillion in the budget to spend.

But maybe Obama will be prudent and govern from the center. America needs someone like that. The past 2 presidents included the educated moron Bill Clinton and the plain vanilla moron George W. Bush. We have to do better than that.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Brangelina May Separate Twins !

Ah, the life of morons just got more interesting. And so the fans of B- films Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are all a dither by the arrival of the fraternal twins in Nice, France. That's nice. But the $15-20 million bids for exclusive photos of the newborns is shorting- out the meager brains of morons and regular people alike. Rumors of a bootleg "Angelina's contractions" clip are just that.

The cereal-sounding Brangelinas should pause. How about transforming this one-time event into a Brangelina serial about the twins growing up? The potential monetary returns could be enormous if handled correctly. Maybe something that resonates with the unmarried couples international adoption habits. How about separating the twins with one being raised in Africa and the other reared in China. After all the Brangelinas have taken African and Asian children away from those locales. Hey Africans mostly don't bother to marry either. Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery . Just think of the potential. A life-long sequel of the twins growing up . Long term ads, sponsors like the Gates Foundation with their logo on propeller beanies, members of Congress seeking endorsements, Oprah and diaper-changing then potty-training and then guests on the show and ... and... and....

Maybe even the morons would tire of this nonsense and drive down preoccupation with others lives.

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Morons Studying Obese & Lazy Humans: Another Wasteful Government Study

Here's some recent findings about the causes of obesity reached by some of the morons who run expensive government studies at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia . The study reports " there is a link between irregular sleep [too much and too little] and big bellies". Also the study points to "a link between light sleepers to higher drinking and smoking rates".

The conclusion issued by the CDC was, " We are getting to the point that recommending enough sleep [not too little or too much] as a standard approach to weight loss and prevention of obesity". No, it wasn't Dr. Goldilocks who was the spokesperson for the CDC.

I dont know how much money was spent on this study but it covered a pool of 87,000 adults and was conducted between the years 2004 and 2006. It must have been very expensive. Did it ever occur to the study directors that the main cause of obesity is laziness ? Did it ever occur to the directors of this study that these fat underworked adults would sleep better, drink less and smoke less if they got off their fat ass' and exercised ? The human species is largely disgusting . There are too many of us that really don't merit being supported.

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