Thursday, February 25, 2010

Haiti: Credibility Problem

After 200 years of self rule, Haiti has little to show except overpopulation, environment degradation and corruption in its government. How can one take the country seriously when they don't take themselves seriously. The country had more purpose and was in better shape under French colonial rule. Only time that was better than that was when there were no people on the island.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Simple Solution To The World Food Crisis

If it's one thing that liberals or politically correct types can't stand is a simple or obvious answers to a problem. Simple answers preempt the preferred complicated, costly ones that liberals relish.

The latest challenge is for a simple or costly answer to the world's food cost and availability crisis. United Nation reports show that Nigerians spend 73% of their income on buying food, Vietnamese spend 65%, Indonesians pay out 50% and the poor Hatians have almost no money to spend on almost no available foodstocks. One thing these underfed people have in common is they continue to breed and have multiple children. And thus they perpetuate the dismal cycle.

So what's to be done? Should the world plant more crops and build up more dependancy for irresponsible parents and then include their children in an open ended support cycle? We tried that already. It doesn't work. How about we just say "no" to more food and aid unless the dumb mokeys say "no" to more children?

Monkeys in the jungle have more sense than these people. And we become as dumb as the Nigerians etc. if we perpetuate their cycle of misery.

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