Thursday, February 25, 2010

Haiti: Credibility Problem

After 200 years of self rule, Haiti has little to show except overpopulation, environment degradation and corruption in its government. How can one take the country seriously when they don't take themselves seriously. The country had more purpose and was in better shape under French colonial rule. Only time that was better than that was when there were no people on the island.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Remember The Border Fence?

One of the legacies of the spending monkeys in Washington will be the environmentally disastrous and expensive U.S./Mexican border Fence. The 670 mile fence was constructed to halt the illegal immigration flow rather than simply enforcing existing laws concerning hiring illegals. Well with the U.S. unemployment rate heading north of 8% the el norte flow of Mexican illegals has slowed considerably and in fact a lot of the illegals are heading south/sur back to old Mexico.

So how can the conservative boondoggle fence project be made into a liberal spending monkey boondoggle project? How about retrofitting the wall with doors that only have handicapped handles and ramps that open on the north side? What about port o' potties and showers on the U.S. side? Custom agents asking, " Anything to declare AND is ther anything we can do for you before you leave?" If the illegals can't think of anything then a booklet can be provided with a departing benefits list. The book includes a right to a needle exchange; G.P.S. device; 50 rounds of cartridges; water; food ; army enlistment flyer with automatic citizenship; condoms; black orphans; "Joys Of Judiaism" book; Senator Barbara Boxer's private number - studs ONLY; the novella "Barbara Boxer : To Be Young, Hot And Jewish At The Domino Club In San Francisco In The 1970s"; an easy to inseminate a woman lifer on death row kit and the little advertised legal benefits to common law spouses that flow from that legal act; a switchblade knife guarenteed to be manufactured in Iran but operating manual is in Hebrew; etc.


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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Obama Revisits Past For Future Plan

This is what Obama really said at a press conference yesterday:

O: " We are in an severe economic downturn. It was brought on by years of fiscal mismanagement. Simply we have been living beyond our means both in the private and public sectors."

Reporter: " What do you propose to do about this looming meltdown?"

O: " I am proposing to spend massive amounts of money that we don't have to jump start the economy so that we can have breathing room for fiscal responsible policies in the future."

Reporter: " Why not do fiscal responsible policies now so we can avoid making the same mistake again? For instance why don't you stop both wars and make across the board federal spending cuts now? "

O: " I promise to do what you suggest in my second term."

Reporter: " How will the planet redeem all the demands of the new money and debt? Are we not growing faster than forests right now?

O: " I will address that question in my second term."

Reporter: " I always thought that NOW was always a good time for fiscal responsibility."

O: " NOW spelled backwards is WON. I WON. I will determine when NOW is.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How About a Slow And Local Nation?

Because it's the fate of the frivolous primate to relive unheeded history, how soon will the U.S. and the world reaquaint itself with the depths of another depression?

After the 1929 Crash and the subsequent 20% unemployment , the 1930 Smoot- Hawley Tariff Act was passed to create and save jobs for unemployed Americans. The Act raised tariffs on 20,000 imported goods. Business was against the legislation and over 1000 economists signed a petition urging President Herbert Hoover not to sign it. But he did and trade between the U.S. and others plunged 50% between 1930 and 1932 because other countries retaliated.

The prospects of a President Barack Obama pushing protectionism legislation through a rabid democratic Congress is certainly not farfetched. There are all kinds of policies that can kill jobs and exacerbate a financial downturn. Tax code and environmental policies attached to trade agreements can have the same effect as tariff increases. Of course a reduction in worldwide business activity would bring some benefits. The environment would have less destructive pressure put upon it. Also we here in America would have less melamine-laced pet and human food imported from the filthy Chinese.

A slow and local nation approach would bring relief from the dollar chase of of other peoples values.

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Imagine Your Chinatown At Country Size

Most every metropolitan area has a "Chinatown". My own experience has been eating novel sometimes excellent food set in a filthy part of town. But to be accurate, Chinatown came before the filth.

And so it is with the curtain being drawn back on the filth of China which is host of the Beijing Olympics. Cars and factories had to be largely locked down to interrupt the smog-producing emissions that would literally cloud the observance of the competitions. Algae plumes on the sea had to be cleaned up by tens of thousands Chinese so boats would not be seized by the green organic product of sewage and agricultural waste. But not for long. After the last tourists hurry home the generation of pollution will begin again. This is all happening against a recent backdrop of earthqukes and flooding that have been exacerbated by shoddy buildings and tree-denuded mountains and the environmental sin of the ages called Three Gorges Dam.

There are 1.2 billion Chinese and not much else in China-one of the worlds oldest civilization. Trees, animals, fish, insects and plants are either gone or are teetering on leaving the smell and filth of the Chinese hoards. Where did all the flora and fauna go ? The Chinese ate 'em! A recent article on the menus of street vendors include: grasshoppers, sea horses, scorpions, lamb testicles, assorted roasted insects ad nauseam. Why even their show piece signature structure the "Birds Nest" reminds that the Chinese rob swallows of their nests and after minimum prepartion eat a soup with ingredients that include the droppings/leavings of the humble bird.

China is the worlds future if we populate the remaining areas of the earth with China-like densities. Frankly we need a virus . We need to have less Chinese in particular and people in general.

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