Thursday, May 08, 2008

Morons Studying Obese & Lazy Humans: Another Wasteful Government Study

Here's some recent findings about the causes of obesity reached by some of the morons who run expensive government studies at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia . The study reports " there is a link between irregular sleep [too much and too little] and big bellies". Also the study points to "a link between light sleepers to higher drinking and smoking rates".

The conclusion issued by the CDC was, " We are getting to the point that recommending enough sleep [not too little or too much] as a standard approach to weight loss and prevention of obesity". No, it wasn't Dr. Goldilocks who was the spokesperson for the CDC.

I dont know how much money was spent on this study but it covered a pool of 87,000 adults and was conducted between the years 2004 and 2006. It must have been very expensive. Did it ever occur to the study directors that the main cause of obesity is laziness ? Did it ever occur to the directors of this study that these fat underworked adults would sleep better, drink less and smoke less if they got off their fat ass' and exercised ? The human species is largely disgusting . There are too many of us that really don't merit being supported.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Animal Mistreatment: Humans At Their Worst

Is there anyone worse than a person that mistreats animals? I think not. Only a systematic or businesslike mistreatment takes the atrocity to a new worse level. The recently uncovered graphic photos of animal abuse at Chino,Ca. Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Co. documents this worse level of animal abuse.

The films of "downer" cattle who are writhing in pain are lifted up by plant workers to meet what is a de facto merciful end to the animals prolonged suffering. The final end happens quickly but the transportation of stressed hurting animals must be an interminable experience. The plant owners share the blame for accepting these poor creatures with the farmers who know they are sending sick cattle to market.

And so for a few dollars, peaceful animals must endure excruciating pain and a violent death so many people who probably shouldn't have been born might have a meal that contributes to their overweight status. Whatever virus or event eventually catches up with the human species and wipes out many, at least 60-80% won't be missed.

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