Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What If Congress Disappeared?

There's an assumption that one of the missed targets on September 11, 2001 was Congress and the Capitol. The United Airlines flight that crash landed in a Pennsylvania field was to have done that chore.

Congress now has an approval rating lower than the infamous Dick Cheney when he left office. Congress' approval rating is grasping to a 12% mark. One wonders if Al Qeada took out the 545 spending and conspiring monkeys of our Capitol how many real tears would have been shed? We will never know.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Bull Bush Covers Cow Pelosi

To "cover" in the animal world means to copulate. Copulation in the political world is a euphemism for "fucked over". And so President Bush's 29% approval rating tops the 16% approval rating of Congress that is partially represented by Speaker Pelosi. In other words Bull Bush had his way with Cow Pelosi.

Cow Pelosi doesn't have horns, she can't kick or jump over lobbyists. This supposed agent of change has been tipped by the powers that be in Washington. She can roam just so far in the pasture of politics but is controlled by the influence of lobbyist barbed wire. She can't and will not break the fencing that separates the largely illegitimate needs of military -industrial complex from the legitimate needs of a sustainable United States.

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