Saturday, July 04, 2009

Sarah Palin: Governor Drop Out

White, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will drop out of her job one year and a half early and challenge black stay-in-office President Barack Obama in 2012. That's the message in her"..moving in new directions."statement yesterday.

She got a lucrative book offer from Rabbi Rupert Murdoch's HarperCollins and learned how to talk on Saturday Night Live. So what more does a spending and grinning monkey need to have or know about winning American elections? George Bush Sr. was accused of having a "Silver foot in his mouth."by the late Texas Governor Ann Richards. That's more than Palin has in her mouth.

In the interim, Palin will tour the country making speeches to pay her legal bills and to build a war chest for the 2012 presidential run. Palin wants to help the country move forward. So she quits her job!

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What If Congress Disappeared?

There's an assumption that one of the missed targets on September 11, 2001 was Congress and the Capitol. The United Airlines flight that crash landed in a Pennsylvania field was to have done that chore.

Congress now has an approval rating lower than the infamous Dick Cheney when he left office. Congress' approval rating is grasping to a 12% mark. One wonders if Al Qeada took out the 545 spending and conspiring monkeys of our Capitol how many real tears would have been shed? We will never know.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Grinning, Spending Monkeys Buy Huge Headline

The grinning, spending monkeys in Washington have achieved their professional goal of appearing to do good. The $828 billion stimulus bill has got them their headline. They have achieved the politicians refuge and safe postion of the many voting in favor so that no one individually will hang.

The pieces of the stimulus bill include $50 billion for a one time $250.00 payment to receivers of Social Security. What can be done with $250.00 ? Maybe one can see 2 professional sports events. Another $25 billion for a "worker credit" that puts a whopping $13.00 per week for 2 years into the pockets of taxpayers . So why do we need politicians to give us back our own money?

And then there's the "pork". Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has plans for a high speed rail from Los Angeles to Las Vegas that costs about $4 billion. Talk about a "bridge to nowhere", this train is for losers. "All aboard!" Maybe that's another use for the $250.00. How about "8 the hard way" ?

The stimulus headline crowded out the octuplet fiasco headline. That moron who had 8 additional children to add to the 6 that are hanging around already is certainly doing her part to stimulate demand and contribute to the growth of government spending. She should also contact Bill Gates. He regularly gives out money and help to Africans who routinely have 10 or more children who end up having an additional ten who have additional ten.....


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Monday, November 10, 2008

Here's An Excellent Redistribution Of Wealth

The spending monkeys in Washington are looking for additional ways to stimulate the economy. With the constraints of astronomical deficits and the potential for a further collapse of the dollar, here's simple suggestion that already fits into the budget.

Whereas the federal government's budget share of the gross domestic product of $15 trillion is app. 20% at the $3 trillion figure,

Whereas conservative estimates of government employees pay and government spending is app. a multiple of 3 times what it could be done for in the real world economy,

Whereas a targeted economic stimulus is needed more in the hands of people who earn less than government employees,

Therefore all federal government expenditures should be reduced in favor of less costly private solutions including state and local governments who by definition will be relatively more accountable for cost efficient results.

Washington is the problem. The solution will necessarily exclude Washington.

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