Thursday, February 12, 2009

Grinning, Spending Monkeys Buy Huge Headline

The grinning, spending monkeys in Washington have achieved their professional goal of appearing to do good. The $828 billion stimulus bill has got them their headline. They have achieved the politicians refuge and safe postion of the many voting in favor so that no one individually will hang.

The pieces of the stimulus bill include $50 billion for a one time $250.00 payment to receivers of Social Security. What can be done with $250.00 ? Maybe one can see 2 professional sports events. Another $25 billion for a "worker credit" that puts a whopping $13.00 per week for 2 years into the pockets of taxpayers . So why do we need politicians to give us back our own money?

And then there's the "pork". Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has plans for a high speed rail from Los Angeles to Las Vegas that costs about $4 billion. Talk about a "bridge to nowhere", this train is for losers. "All aboard!" Maybe that's another use for the $250.00. How about "8 the hard way" ?

The stimulus headline crowded out the octuplet fiasco headline. That moron who had 8 additional children to add to the 6 that are hanging around already is certainly doing her part to stimulate demand and contribute to the growth of government spending. She should also contact Bill Gates. He regularly gives out money and help to Africans who routinely have 10 or more children who end up having an additional ten who have additional ten.....


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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Joe Biden's Replacement: Another Zionist In Senate

Vice President Joe Biden is being replaced in the Senate by Manahattan-born Jew, Edward Kaufman. Maybe it's not politically correct to bring up Kaufman's race but since this years election has been largely about race and gender then Kaufman's Jewishness is fair game. Delaware's Governor Ruth Ann Minner choose Kaufman at Biden's request.

Kaufman's presence raises the Jewish/Zionist population of the Senate to 15. That's 10 times the percentage number ( Jews are 1.5% of population) of Jews found in the wilds of America . Why are there some many Jews in the Senate ? Here's a quote from the 1906 "Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion", it goes "... the net which Israel is throwing over the globe of the earth is widening and spreading daily and the momentous prophecies of our holy books are at last to be realized.". Well this creeping infestation of Zionist influence certainly follows the "Protocols" plan. But maybe it's coincidence? Coincidence or not the U.S. gives life support to an Israeli policy of collective punishment and apartheid to 5 million Palestinians.

The Zionists think they are clever and succesful. But if this is so then why are there only 13 million Jews left in the world. Time for the "chosen people" to convert to a better religion or swear off excessive power and money as a life style.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Bull Bush Covers Cow Pelosi

To "cover" in the animal world means to copulate. Copulation in the political world is a euphemism for "fucked over". And so President Bush's 29% approval rating tops the 16% approval rating of Congress that is partially represented by Speaker Pelosi. In other words Bull Bush had his way with Cow Pelosi.

Cow Pelosi doesn't have horns, she can't kick or jump over lobbyists. This supposed agent of change has been tipped by the powers that be in Washington. She can roam just so far in the pasture of politics but is controlled by the influence of lobbyist barbed wire. She can't and will not break the fencing that separates the largely illegitimate needs of military -industrial complex from the legitimate needs of a sustainable United States.

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