Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Congress Says No To Fixing Wall Street & Everyone Else Should Spend

The Wall Street Journal today carried the news that 4 unnamed, key senators are against limiting proprietary trading by Wall Street firms. This is another example of how we are alone against the gangsters of Wall Street and their contemptable, bribed enablers in Congress. Proprietary trading by banks that have insured deposits by the government is how and why we had the recent financial meltdown in worldwide financial markets. And we are not through with that debacle yet. But our law makers refuse to reform the Street and are setting up an even greater collapse in the future.

The Journal also carried the news in another article that the Wall Street bankers received app. $20 billion in bonus money in 2009. That's a 17%  increase from the year before despite the near depression. There you have it. All it takes is money and congress is yours. 

Meantime Obama and Congress are spending money like drunken sailors and prodding all in the U.S. to spend. How can people or business owners feel secure about the future when the predators of Wall Street are still roaming and still able to financially kill at will?

The New York Times carried an article on how many states are liberalizing their gun laws. Take advantage of these new laws and prepare for the future. Hopefully it won't be necessary but how can one trust in any government?

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time For Backlash Against Congress

When someone is legally stealing they should not be comfortable. I'm talking about members of Congress. Their stealing of our future by auctioning off our rights to the highest bidder cannot continue. Congress passes laws which make their actions legal. But that does not make the laws moral. For instance, the Iraq invasion was not moral or justified. Yet the House funded the desires of the military-industrial-complex. The bailout of Wall Street bankers after they recklessly undermined the security of the US should not have happened. The potential seizure of the health system by Washington and the roving lawyers should not happen.

The least all of us can do is make the lives of members of Congress, lawyers, military-industrial-complex operatives not pleasant within legal limits. This includes peer pressure. Whether it takes the form of simple, nasty but purposeful e-mails or piketing their homes or snubbing them in public. Keep it legal for now.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Goldman Sachs: Equal Opportunity Employer

Goldman Sachs continues to maintain a 20% allotment of white and other non- Jewish employees. Most of them are assigned to public relation slots. They are the "face" of Goldman in public venues. Whites come in handy when Goldman is summoned before Congress. It's an image thing. There is so much baggage and so little time or inclination to clean it up.

Of course Yankees like Hank Paulson could teach Shylock a thing or two. And let's not forget Congress. For every theft by Goldman Sachs there was an equal amount of doors cracked open by Congress so Goldman could enter.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

CIT Failure Would Be Mistake

Ignoring CIT and the small/medium size business' it serves would be a tactical and financial mistake by the Obama Administration. It would be a breaking of faith with small and medium sized business. These are the job creators in the past, now and in the future. The app. 1,000,000 accounts that CIT serves would not easily, if at all find a replacement. Big bank business models are not geared for CIT-type accounts. Consequently bankrupties would follow for some of those accounts and include others in their greater spheres of influence.

The chump change of $4 billion that CIT needs is relatively nothing compared to the hundreds of billions that already have gone out the window to the constructive criminals at AIG,B of A, Citigroup, GM and Chrysler. Small business built this country. Small business owners ran for office . Now many of our politicians are lawyers or people who never had a real job. This results in leadership that doesn't get it or worse get it but are paid to ignore it.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Grinning, Spending Monkeys Buy Huge Headline

The grinning, spending monkeys in Washington have achieved their professional goal of appearing to do good. The $828 billion stimulus bill has got them their headline. They have achieved the politicians refuge and safe postion of the many voting in favor so that no one individually will hang.

The pieces of the stimulus bill include $50 billion for a one time $250.00 payment to receivers of Social Security. What can be done with $250.00 ? Maybe one can see 2 professional sports events. Another $25 billion for a "worker credit" that puts a whopping $13.00 per week for 2 years into the pockets of taxpayers . So why do we need politicians to give us back our own money?

And then there's the "pork". Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has plans for a high speed rail from Los Angeles to Las Vegas that costs about $4 billion. Talk about a "bridge to nowhere", this train is for losers. "All aboard!" Maybe that's another use for the $250.00. How about "8 the hard way" ?

The stimulus headline crowded out the octuplet fiasco headline. That moron who had 8 additional children to add to the 6 that are hanging around already is certainly doing her part to stimulate demand and contribute to the growth of government spending. She should also contact Bill Gates. He regularly gives out money and help to Africans who routinely have 10 or more children who end up having an additional ten who have additional ten.....


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Monday, January 26, 2009

Money & Music & Bubbles

The spending monkeys in Congress in pursuit of reelection and mission creep passed the Federal Reserve Act Of 1913. The goal of the Act was "... to provide a ready reserve of liguid assets in case of financial panics". The term "liquid assets" was a clue to the intended or unintended consequences of the Act-I.E. BUBBLES FORM FROM LIQUIDS.

Interestingly in 1919 the song " I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" was composed by Jaan Kenbrown and John Kellette.
Partially, it went like this:

"Im forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air,
They fly so high, nearly reach the sky,
Then like my dreams they fade and die"

In 1958 Stan Freberg composed a send-up of Lawrence Welk. The song was titled " Wunerful, Wunerful".

The song ended with this phrase:

"Help! Help! Wunerful,Wunerful
turn off the bubble machine. Help! Help!"

Monkeys shouldn't use money. It has the disastrous effect of multplying their greedy traits.

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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Chrysler Should Have Been Allowed To Fail

The shameless auto executives are back begging for more money. They remind of the young man pleading his case before his sceptical parents. "Please just give me one more chance. I will be home on time and I promise to fill up the gas tank this time."

The parents retort," But son you are a mature man now. Some of your classmates have started their own families and they own a home and own their own cars. When will you grow up? We have other obligations."

Former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca made a sucessful plea for a government bailout some 30 years ago. And now Chrysler is back but this time with GM and Ford at the same table. Maybe if Chrysler was allowed to fail years ago, GM and Ford would have worked harder and the UAW would have learned a lesson that would have avoided todays mess?

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cultural, Financial & Poor Semantics Bottom?

One thing good about hitting bottom is that the next vector is assuredly up. Hopefully The U.S. and world financial meltdown will usher in a more sane use of laws, money and words.

A sane use of laws and words would include more regulation of the financial markets. This would offset the criminal provisions of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act Of 2000. The Act allowed the constructive legal-criminal swindle by Wall Street investment banks via the Acts provision that " specifically banned regulation of credit default swaps" and "over-the-counter energy trades and trading on electronic energy commodity markets". The notion that the Act and its verbiage orders no regulation is somehow legal and a worthy piece of regulation is an oxymoron on its face. This Act led largely to the collapse of Wall Street and $147.00 oil . It endangers economies worldwide. Words do matter. Laws do matter. Political correctness and the misnamed Commidity Futures Modernization Act lead to the wrong conclusions.

The financial mess is welcome in some ways. Certainly there will be less or no money for wars of choice. Social problems that perpetuate dependence will have to be cut back and Washington has been exposed as more part of the problem rather than the solution. We need more states rights with taxes and individual behavior being more of a local affair.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Socrates & Rock Stars

The trial of Socrates in 399 B.C. began with this posted indictment:

" Socrates is guilty of refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state and introducing other new divinities. He is also guilty of corrupting the youth. The penalty demanded is death".

The "new divinties" that were the alledged corrupter of youth was his philosophy of questions. This included the questioning of authority which made the powers-that- be in Athens nervous. And so the indictment, the trial and the death of Socrates by drinking the poison hemlock. Now some 2500 years later, the present questioners of all authority take the form of members of all branches of our government, Wall Street manipulators and "rock stars".

No they are not going to drink hemlock as their punishment. But instead they will be bribed, well bonused or sell out stadiums. Somewhere in between the fates of noble Socrates and our present day trash should be the proper reward for questioning authority.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wall Street: Alternative Reality

This past Monday, Google Search picked up and published prominently a 2002 United Airlines filing for bankruptcy. The 2002 date was not printed. The source of the post was from a Florida newspaper that is affiliated with the Chicago Tribune. People who read the post and didn't give a second thought or know that UAL emerged from bankruptcy in 2006 sold shares. The stock plummeted from $12.00 to $3.00 before trading was halted. Many people lost much money before UAL was asked if the story was true. The story was true but it was 6 years old!

There is reality and there is Wall Street perception of reality. In the real world this past Monday , UAL planes continued to fly and reach their destination. This is despite the halted trading and price devestation. This is proof that the world can still function despite Wall Street seizing up. But our representaives in Washington and I use the term " representatives" loosely seem to think that Wall Street's interests are more important than the real worlds initerests. Witness oil and corn price manipulation, banking and security law failures etc.

We can function without a Wall Street and without a Washington.

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Monday, June 30, 2008

Bear Market & Recession Blues? Cheer Up

Wall Street is flirting with a bear market which would confirm a U.S. recession . Gee, what's a recession look like in a country that consumes 25% of the worlds output with only 4% of the planets population? What's more the U.S. consumer has to borrow significant amounts of money from foreigners, banks and credit cards to continue this unsustainable lifestyle fact.

All this consumption is on top of a bloated and wasteful U.S. "defense" budget whose total is greater than all of the rest of the worlds defense budgets combined. This nonsense allows the U.S. to enter into wars of choice like the five-front engagements we are currently involved-Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and Pakistan. The C.I.A. has a long list of other wars we can enter if it happens that these five get resolved. The C.I.A. is evil incarnate.

A recession will certainly focus the wastrels in congress to more carefully weigh their spending priorities. That would be a good thing if war is shortchanged and peace becomes a better investment for scarce tax revenues.

The human species needs a recession to better acquaint itself with its own limitations and the limits of the earth. Look at the rest of the flora and fauna, they have been in a bear market since we showed up.

"Waste not want not".

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008


"Hurry, hurry, hurry CIRCUS AIPAC is in town". The American Israel Public Affairs Committee's greatest lobbyists show on earth is now featuring special demand performance acts. Come see presidential hopefuls, John "Shakey' McCain and Barack "Plural Man" Obama perform for 4 foot something Zionists and their shorter wives. Also appearing will be Secretary of State "Kind O' Ninny" Rice and white woman Speaker Nancy " Scarf Lady" Pelosi along with Senate Majority Leader Harry " Pathetic Mumbles" Reid. Other surprise guests could be added.

Watch how featured performers pledge America's assets and young lives for the well being of the ghetto Israel which is on stolen Palestinian land. Hey come visit Israel also. It features the largest open-air prison on the planet. Approximately 1.5 million Palestinians are subject to a slow motion genocide every day. Why? Zionists swear by their mothers instructions, " Don't buy or own anything that eats". In other words "cut your losses".

Oh the irony of it all. Two thousand years ago the Romans watched Zionists get chomped on by lions in the Coliseum now the Zionists watch representatives of the last empire do tricks for chump change. Enough already. Time for a swing back to more understandable times. Round up U.S. reps in Congress that sold out to AIPAC and show them the exits. Hey round up AIPAC also and ship them to Israel

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Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Party Of Incumbents: The Oldest & Strongest Political Party In The United States

Who are you going to vote for? No matter what you answer the person who goes to Washington will join a new political party. The party doesn't have an official name. But it's hold on new arrivals is immediate and overwhelming. "All politics are local" is a truism. And the politics of our nations capitol is not immuned. Simply, the local politics in D.C. is about incumbents remaining incumbents and the incestuous players will do most anything to stay in their cushy powerful jobs. That's the explanation for the seemingly unchanged and predictably increasingly out of touch performance of our elected representatives since the founding of our republic.

The most recent example of the incumbent party trumping the democratic and republican parties is the complete capitulation of the anti-war 2006 congressional elections. That group led by Pelosi and Reid now routinely extend war funding. And what's more Pelosi and Reid will give this president all he wants and will also start the next administration with a free 6 months war funding starter kit.

As with all hypertrophies the incumbent party will only lose when an extraordinary event slams into their careful planning. In this case the extraordinary event will be the unequivocal failure of American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Time is on the side of the truth of things. Be truthful and life is a pretty easy thing to enjoyably live.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cow Pelosi Says,"MOO. How Much And Where?"

Speaker Cow Pelosi is fashioning a paddy filled with $178 billion in war funding that Farmer Bush will toss at the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. There is even enough money to fund the wars for SIX MONTHS of the next president's term. That's provided that Farmer Bush doesn't use the extra funding to kick off an Iran invasion. Gee, I wonder if Cow Pelosi has thought of that possibility?

So that's what the Demcratic oppostion has come to after taking control of Congress in 2006. The voters did their part but the Cow and her Castrated Bull in the Senate didn't do theirs. Moove over Cow Pelosi. You are part of the Iraq/Afghanistan slaughterhouse now.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

General Petraeus: Opinions From A Surrounded General

General Petraeus will report to Congress soon about the state of the Iraq War. Here's a question that someone on the panel of pols should ask. " Pardon me General but why should we listen to you when you are already surrounded in the Green Zone and at the mercy of low tech mortar and missle fire?".

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